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Samaritan's Coverage

The details.

How to qualify

With a referral from a licensed medical professional, Samaritan's Health Share will cover the Foundational Analysis. It's important to note a few considerations during this process: Samaritan's may at any time choose to discontinue coverage for Lux Bio Analytics. Julie will proceed with the analysis only if you are committed to your healing journey. This stance is taken because it is uncommon for companies to acknowledge and support the natural, God-designed healing processes of the body. Lux Bio Analytics will not participate in any misuse of Samaritan's coverage.


If you are ready to take responsibility for your health and combat the diseases currently affecting you, then you are in the right place. Currently, Samaritans allocates about $30 million monthly for medical needs. The average American over 40 spends over $12,000 annually on medical care, which increases significantly after 60. Over an adult's lifespan, the average insurance payout reaches $400,000. Consider the potential savings if you invest a fraction of that amount in proactive health management now. By taking control of your health, you will not only reverse current symptoms but also prevent future issues, saving hundreds of thousands of dollars in healthcare costs for Samaritan's or any other health plan. This doesn't even account for the savings imparted through the health education you will share with your family and friends.


Julie’s approach often garners criticism from peers due to her relentless pursuit of extraordinary health (considered too extreme). Yet, her clients eliminate the need for medications well into their 70s and 80s and avoid needing medical care for preventable illnesses, thanks to her thorough analysis.


This is a unique opportunity to transform your health and benefit your health share provider. Attached is an example of a referral letter that your Chiropractor, NP, MD, or other licensed medical professional can write. Don’t miss the chance to make a significant change in your life. Julie accepts three new clients each month on a first-come, first-served basis, with emergency medical situations assessed individually.




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