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Book Julie
for your event.

Conference and Corporate Speaker 

Julie Alsaker is a respected speaker in the health and wellness community. She combines her deep understanding of limiting beliefs with the latest in genetic research to provide actionable insights for her audience. Her approach is compassionate and inspiring, with a touch of spice.


With over a two decades of experience in health and wellness, Julie is sharing her expertise on how our beliefs shape our behaviors and how understanding our genetics can inspire action. She is committed to empowering individuals and organizations with the knowledge and tools they need to live an extraordinary life.

Speaking Specialties

Challenging Your Beliefs

Julie's speech delves into the profound impact that false beliefs have on our health. Unhealthy behaviors often stem from deeply ingrained misconceptions about our capabilities and worth. These false beliefs can lead to a cycle of poor decisions and detrimental health outcomes. 


Julie's speech empowers men and women to challenge and change these false beliefs, setting them on a path towards improved health and well-being. By addressing the root causes of their behaviors, she provides actionable strategies that enable them to transform their lives. This shift not only enhances their physical health but also aligns them with their true purpose, allowing them to fulfill their potential and lead more meaningful lives. Through this transformative journey, men and women can achieve lasting health improvements and a renewed sense of purpose.

Importance of Knowing Your Genetics

With knowledge of your genetics, you can prevent pain, disease, and change the trajectory of your future. Julie explains how understanding your genetic makeup can empower you to make informed health decisions. By uncovering the genetic predispositions that may affect your health, you gain the ability to take proactive steps towards prevention and wellness.


Drawing on years of work teaching clients about thier genetics, Julie presents complex genetic information in an accessible and engaging way. She demonstrates how personalized health strategies, tailored to your unique genetic profile, can lead to optimal well-being and longevity. Through her clear and insightful explanations, audiences are equipped with the knowledge to make better health choices, ultimately transforming their lives.  


Many people are hesitant to have their DNA analyzed due to privacy concerns. Julie acknowledges these fears and compares them to past anxieties over blood draws, computers, and other technological advances. By providing thorough information and addressing common concerns, Julie helps the audience feel more confident about the choice to get their DNA tested. Her reassuring approach ensures that individuals understand the benefits and safeguards, leading to more informed and empowered decisions regarding their genetic health.

Ready to Inspire Your Audience?

Don't miss the opportunity to book Julie Alsaker for your next event. Her engaging and informative sessions are a refreshing departure from the "change your lifestyle" health messaging of the last 30 years.  Your audience will leave with a spark of inspiration and tools to fan the flame.

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